CHAIRMAN Dan Spaniola 647 S. Saginaw St. Flint, MI 48502 chairman@iapsc.net
PRESIDENT John Lawitzke 6451 Dawn Dr. Bellevue, MI 49021 pres@iapsc.net
REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT Eric Karloski 4437 Carrick Ave SE Kentwood, MI 49508 rvp@iapsc.net
SECRETARY Robert Gotz Jr. 1868 Colonial Village Way #4 Waterford, MI 48328 secretary@iapsc.net
TREASURER Chris Karas 5156 Davision Rd. Burton MI 48509 treasurer@iapsc.net
PUBLIC RELATIONS Eva Karas 5156 Davison Rd Burton, MI 48509 pr@iapsc.net
CHAPLAIN Tim Myers 1105 W. Hurd Rd. Clio, MI 48420 chaplain@iapsc.net

IAPSC Mission Statement:
The IAPSC is dedicated to the promotion of pipe smoking, fellowship
and friendship. We believe that all have the right to smoke and the duty
to respect the rights of our fellow human beings.
76th Annual World's Pipe Smoking Contest Champ
Congratulations to Noah Slasinski
With a time of 1 hr, 31 min, 28 sec
Arrowhead Pipe Club, Swartz Creek, MI
Full 76th Contest Results HERE.

Top 3 (Left to right): Rob McCollough III, Noah Slasinski, Tom Spaniola
76th Michigan Regional Pipe Smoking Champ
Congratulations to Chris Karas
With a time of 1 hr, 33 min, 9 sec
Full contest results HERE.