CHAIRMAN Dan Spaniola 647 S. Saginaw St. Flint, MI 48502 chairman@iapsc.net
PRESIDENT John Lawitzke 6451 Dawn Dr. Bellevue, MI 49021 pres@iapsc.net
REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT Eric Karloski 4437 Carrick Ave SE Kentwood, MI 49508 rvp@iapsc.net
SECRETARY Robert Gotz Jr. 1868 Colonial Village Way #4 Waterford, MI 48328 secretary@iapsc.net
TREASURER Chris Karas 5156 Davision Rd. Burton MI 48509 treasurer@iapsc.net
PUBLIC RELATIONS Eva Karas 5156 Davison Rd Burton, MI 48509 pr@iapsc.net
CHAPLAIN Tim Myers 1105 W. Hurd Rd. Clio, MI 48420 chaplain@iapsc.net
LINKS of Interest:
Gentleman of the Briar (GOTB) https://www.facebook.com/GentlemenOfTheBriar
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Order of Collegiate Pipe Smokers (OCPS) ocps.cmu@gmail.com
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Mountain Town Society Of Kapnismologists www.mtsok.net
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Memphis Area Pipe Smokers Club (MAPS) www.pipeclub.org
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Up Down Sons Of Briar's www.updowncigar.com
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Kentuckiana Pipe Smokers Club Club page for the Kentuckiana Pipe Smokers Club of Indiana and Kentucky gordonv@iglou.com
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Arrowhead Pipe Club Club page for the Arrowhead Pipe Club of Flint, Michigan ptspaniola@sbcglobal.net
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Paul's Pipe Shop Member Dan Spaniola's page, from Arrowhead Pipe Club ptspaniola@sbcglobal.net
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Arkansas Tobacco Plus Member Dick Alexander's site, Northeast Arkansas Pipe Puffer dalexander@arkansastobaccoplus.com
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Qumoz - A Business Directory
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Attention Members: If clubs (or club members) have their own "pipe-related" web site -- let us know, we will add a link to it on this page.